Shipping & delivery policy

Last updated on Sep 5th 2023

This Shipping and Delivery Policy outlines the terms and conditions governing the delivery of digital products purchased on “DIGITECHBUY.COM”. By purchasing digital products from our Website, you agree to abide by the terms and conditions outlined in this policy.

Delivery Method:

All digital products purchased through our Website are delivered electronically via download links or access instructions. No physical shipments will be made for digital products

Delivery Timeframe

Once your payment has been successfully processed, you will receive an email containing the necessary information to access or download your digital product(s). The delivery timeframe may vary depending on the specific product and payment processing, but it is typically immediate or within 24 hours.

Upon receiving access instructions or download links, it is your responsibility to ensure that you can access and retrieve the digital product(s). If you encounter any issues with access, please contact our helpdesk on or

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